Self Assessment Tax Return

Concentrate on your business, and we will do your Self Assessment Tax Return

  • Taking the pain out of the process
  • Ensuring tax efficiency

Blue Skies Accountancy can complete your tax return for you and submit it to HMRC (Inland Revenue) who will calculate how much tax you owe, or whether a refund of overpaid tax is due.

You will need to have retained all relevant documents like employment P60s, P11Ds, savings accounts annual interest summaries, dividends tax credit slips, etc.

If you own investment property, we can help you identify your profits and losses from property rental.

If you are a higher rate taxpayer and you use Gift Aid, or make personal pension contributions, then it is particularly important we identify these items in a tax year, as there may be a tax refund due to you.
There are many other sources of income or expenditure that need to be declared by law on your Tax Return, so please call us soon – don’t get too close to the HMRC’s deadline!


Please contact us by email or
call 01455 283 834 for a FREE consultation